Administrative bodies

About the

Administrative bodies

Competent bodies for the establishment, organization and operation of the MSc in accordance with Law No. 4957/2022 are:

  • the Senate of the Foundation,
  • the Senate of the Foundation,
  • the Coordinating Committee (CC) of the MSc,
  • the Coordinating Committee (CC) of the MSc,
  • the Director of the MSc.
  1. The Senate of the Higher Educational Institution (HEI) has the following responsibilities:
  • approve the establishment of the MSc or the amendment of the decision to establish the MSc,
  • approve the establishment of the MSc or the amendment of the decision to establish the MSc,
  • establish the Curriculum Committee, in the case of interdepartmental, interdisciplinary or joint programmes of study, to extend the duration of the period of validity of the programme, or to extend the duration of the period of validity of the programme, or to extend the duration of the duration of the programme,
  • decides on the abolition of the MSc courses offered by the HEI.
  1. The Assembly of the Department is responsible for the organization, administration and management of the P.M.S. and in particular:
  • Establish Committees for the evaluation of applications from prospective postgraduate students and approve their enrolment in the P.M.S,
  • assigns the teaching duties to the lecturers of the MSc,
  • recommend to the Senate the amendment of the decision establishing the MSc, as well as the extension of the duration of the MSc,
  • set up examination boards for the examination of the theses of postgraduate students and appoint the supervisor for each thesis,
  • determine the successful completion of the course of study in order to award the degree of Master’s degree,
  • approve the report of the MSc, following the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee (SC).

  1. The Coordinating Committee (SC) of the MSc consists of the Director of the MSc and four (4) members of the Department’s faculty, who have a related subject to that of the MSc and undertake teaching work in the MSc. The Board is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the programme.
  • who have a related subject to that of the MSc and undertake teaching work in the MSc. The Board is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the programme.
  • prepare the programme report and recommend its approval to the Departmental Assembly,
  • • approve the expenditure of the programme,
  • approve the granting of scholarships, contributory or not, in accordance with the provisions of the decision establishing the MSc and the Regulations for postgraduate and doctoral studies,
  • approve the granting of scholarships, contributory or not, in accordance with the provisions of the decision establishing the MSc and the Regulations for postgraduate and doctoral studies,
  • recommends to the Assembly of the Department the invitation of Visiting Professors to cover the teaching needs of the MSc,
  • draw up a plan for the modification of the curriculum, which shall be submitted to the Departmental Assembly,
  • recommend to the Departmental Assembly the reallocation of courses between academic semesters, as well as issues related to the qualitative upgrading of the curriculum.
  1. The Director of the MSc comes from the members of the Department’s faculty, preferably of the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, and is appointed by decision of the Department’s Assembly for a two-year term, renewable without limitation.

    The Director of the MSc has the following responsibilities:

  • Chair the SC, draw up the agenda and convene its meetings,
  • He/she shall set the agenda, organise the agenda, chair the meetings, convene the meetings and make recommendations to the Departmental Assembly on matters relating to the organisation and operation of the MSc,
  • recommends to the Board and the other bodies of the MSc and the UAS issues related to the effective operation of the MSc,
  • He/she is the Academic Manager of the programme according to article 234 of the Law. 4957/2022 and exercises the respective responsibilities,
  • monitors the implementation of the decisions of the institutions of the MSc and the Internal Regulations for postgraduate and doctoral programmes,
  • as well as the monitoring of the implementation of the MSc budget,
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