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Τηλ. Κέντρο: 210 414 2281
Email: mbasecr@unipi.gr
Web: www.unipi.gr
Βρισκόμαστε στο κέντρο του Πειραιά
Μ. Καραολή & Α. Δημητρίου 80, 18534, Πειραιάς
The MSc starts in the winter or spring semester of each academic year. A total of ninety (90) credit hours (ECTS) are required for the MSc degree. During the course of studies, postgraduate students are required to attend and successfully complete postgraduate courses, research and writing of scientific papers, etc. as well as the preparation of a postgraduate thesis.
Courses are taught in person but may also be taught by distance learning. All students will participate either in the face-to-face teaching of the course or in the teaching by means of distance learning. The percentage of teaching by means of distance education shall be in accordance with the provisions in force and the relevant decisions of the Departmental Assembly.
All students will participate either in the face-to-face teaching of the course or in the teaching by means of distance learning. The curriculum aims at:
The educational work of each academic year is structured in two semesters, the winter and spring semesters, each of which includes at least 10 weeks of teaching and 3 weeks of examinations. Attendance of courses/workshops etc. is compulsory. In the case of an impediment to a course, the course will be made up. The decision to make up courses is taken by the lecturer in cooperation with the Director of the MSc.
Individual courses may be distributed within the time limits of the semesters by decision of the competent bodies. Attendance of courses/workshops etc. is compulsory. In the event of an impediment to a course, the course will be made up. The decision to substitute courses is taken by the lecturer in cooperation with the Director of the MSc.
The final assessment and grading of the individual courses of the MSc is determined by the lecturer, who may organise at his/her discretion written or oral examinations or rely on assignments or laboratory exercises. Their performance shall be assessed on a grading scale, which shall be as follows:
8,50 – 10 |
Excellent |
6,50 – 8,49 |
Very Good |
5 – 6,49 |
Fine |
0 – 4,99 |
Failure |
In case of failure, a retake of the course is foreseen. If the postgraduate student fails the re-examination of the course or courses, he/she is considered not to have successfully completed the programme and is examined, at his/her request, by a three-member committee of faculty members of the Department, who have the same or a related field of knowledge as the course under examination and are appointed by the Assembly of the Department. The lecturer in charge of the examination shall be excluded from the committee.
In each academic semester a postgraduate student is allowed to fail a maximum of two courses. . Failure in three courses in one semester will result in dismissal, unless the student applies to be re-examined by a three-member committee for each of the three courses in which he/she has failed. The scheduled course re-examinations (re-examination and examination by a panel of three) will take place during the following semester.
Cases of misconduct such as cheating in examinations or in the preparation of assignments and in solving exercises, misconduct, etc., will result in removal from the programme following a decision by the Assembly.
In order to obtain a Master’s degree, each postgraduate student must attend and successfully pass all the courses offered in the MSc and prepare a postgraduate thesis, accumulating ninety (90) credits.
For the final degree grade, the average of the courses with a weighting factor of 80% and the Master’s Thesis with a weighting factor of 20% are taken into account.
Τηλ. Κέντρο: 210 414 2281
Email: mbasecr@unipi.gr
Web: www.unipi.gr
Μ. Καραολή & Α. Δημητρίου 80, 18534, Πειραιάς
M. Karaoli & Α. Dimitriou 80, 18534, Piraeus